Memorable Quotes

Memorable quotes: Money and Wealth is not the main reason for you to be happy in life? You know what to do. Some content and some of the other support for a lot of people just like when the music of a poem or story or looking through all of the crazy things you want to make light of day. A lot of people here who want to read funny life quote, some dealers can add their own links. 
Such a happy and holy fashion it is that people who love the other person should rest on a single pillow. ----Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chains do not hold a relationship together. It is threads, countless tiny threads which sew people collectively throughout the years. ----Simone Signoret

      Succes in marriage doesn't come simply through choosing the best mate, but through being the right mate. ----Barnett R. Brickner

          People are equally happy as they make up their minds to be. ----Abraham Lincoln
              No one is in command of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything with regards to you or your life that you would like to improve. ----Barbara DeAngelis
                  Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never thought it was, but due to the fact they didn't stop to love it. ----William Feather
                      Memorable Quotes for Him and Her: Happiness is the method of never storing in mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has gone by. ---- Nazim Ali Khan
                          If you'd like happiness for an hour rest. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you'd like happiness for a year, inherit a bundle of money. If you want happiness to lifelong help someone else. ----Chinese Proverb
                              There is a courtesy of the heart. It is allied to love. From it springs the purest courtesy in the outward behavior. ----Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
                                  An archaeologist is the best husband any woman can have, the older she gets, the more interested he is in her. ----Agatha Christie
                                      Love is life. All, anything that I understand, I am aware of only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only due to the fact I love. ----Leo Tolstoy
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                                      Memorable Quotes

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                                      Memorable Quotes

