Beautiful Loving Life Quotes

We intend to be the largest and most accurate source for finding phrases and quotes on the noblest of feelings: love. We conducted a thorough job every day to show only the most beautiful existing love phrases.

For you I sought and found the strength that never would have thought, I cried tears that seemed to end, I felt loved like never thought someone would love me, I smiled just to see you smiling too, I held you when my will was fall along with you, I fought and persisted even though I had left short, I fell a thousand times and got to know that need me, I thought it was crazy to keep you in thought only.

For you I believed that my world revolved around only one person, I believed in fairy tales and thought it would fly together with you build those love story movie, for you I learned to be someone I grew up and took off my feet the floor.

Beautiful Loving Life Quotes

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For you I had tireless desire to go out to meet you just to get a kiss, I thought I'd die just to get you in more than one life. For you I breathed and breathe today, for you I would do it again, and do even more.

